Bel Ami Movie Music Soundtrack

Bel Ami Movie Music Soundtrack: 1. Bel Ami 2. Poverty 3. Whose Arms Are These? 4. Georges Meets Madeleine / I like Being A Jo...

Bel Ami Movie Music Soundtrack:

1. Bel Ami
2. Poverty
3. Whose Arms Are These?
4. Georges Meets Madeleine / I like Being A Journalist
5. Love Nest
6. Beggar / Charles Is Dying
7. She Won’t Be A Widow For Long
8. A More Memorable Name
9. Charles Dies
10. Clotilde
11. A Fool
12. La Vie FranÇaise / Celebration
13. Betrayal / Virginie Submits
14. Madeleine
15. Head Of Gossip / La Vie FranÇaise
16. The Man I Have Lost
17. You Disgust Me
18. Rousset’s Party
19. Drunken Montage
20. Suzanne’s Entrance
21. Palm House
22. Georges Elopes With Suzanne
23. It’s Not Enough To Be Loved / The Wedding / Bel Ami Reprise


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