Josh Ritter - The Beast In Its Tracks Album Tracklist and Release Date

Josh Ritter - The Beast In Its Tracks Album Release Date is on: March 5, 2013 Album Tracklist: 1. Third Arm 2. Evil Eye 3...

Josh Ritter - The Beast In Its Tracks Album
Release Date is on: March 5, 2013

Album Tracklist:

1. Third Arm
2. Evil Eye
3. A Certain Light
4. Hopeful
5. Nightmares
6. New Lover
7. Heart's Ease
8. In Your Arms Again
9. The Appleblossom Rag
10. Bonfire
11. In Your Arms Awhile
12. Joy To You Baby
13. Lights


Album Tracklists and Release Dates 3231280152901193695

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