The Tall Man Movie Music Soundtrack

The Tall Man Movie Music Soundtrack: 1. Opening 2. Julia Chases the Tall Man 3. The Tall Man Reveals 4. The Dog Attack 5. T...

The Tall Man Movie Music Soundtrack:

1. Opening
2. Julia Chases the Tall Man
3. The Tall Man Reveals
4. The Dog Attack
5. The Truck
6. In the Forest
7. Looking for David
8. Flashbacks
9. We Got Too Comfortable
10. There Is No Tall Man
11. Miss Johnson
12. Running Away
13. A New Life
14. Playing the Castle
15. End Credits
16. Hmm Lose’n Everythang
17. Tall Man Lullaby
18. Dead?
19. Where Are They Now?
20. The Invisible Children
21. Silent Blessing
22. Tall Man


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