Red Dawn Movie (OST) Official Soundtrack List
Red Dawn Movie (OST) Soundtrack List: 1. Red Dawn 2. Wolverines 3. Invasion 4. Execution 5. I’m Gonna Fight 6. We Need ...
Red Dawn Movie (OST)
Soundtrack List:
1. Red Dawn
2. Wolverines
3. Invasion
4. Execution
5. I’m Gonna Fight
6. We Need Better Weapons
7. What Do You Miss
8. Victory
9. Brothers
10. Counter Insurgency
11. A Terrible Haircut
12. Even A Small Flea Can Drive A Big Dog Crazy
13. Erica
14. Surveying The Damage
15. Preparing The Cabin
16. Follow The Wires
17. Daryl’s Sacrifice
18. A Marine And His Rifle
19. Jed’s Death
20. Finale