Silent Hill 2 Revelation 3D Movie Music Soundtrack

Silent Hill 2 Revelation 3D Movie Music Soundtrack: 1. Silent Hill Revelation – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka 2. Early Birthday ...

Silent Hill 2 Revelation 3D Movie Music Soundtrack:

1. Silent Hill Revelation – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
2. Early Birthday Present – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
3. Armless/The Missionary Attacks – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
4. Vincent and Heather Open the Box – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
5. Born and Raised In Silent Hill – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
6. Heather in the Fog World – Akira Yamaoka
7. Alessa’s Mother/No Ordinary Spider – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
8. Vincent Condemned – Jeff Danna
9. Master of the Order – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
10. Red Pyramid/The Nurses – Akira Yamaoka
11. The Carousel/Red Pyramid Battles the Missionary – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
12. Lost Souls – Jeff Danna & Akira Yamaoka
13. Rain of Brass Petals Three Voices Edit – Akira Yamaoka
14. Silent Scream – Akira Yamaoka


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