The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey Movie Music Soundtrack

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey Movie Music Soundtrack: DISC 1 1. My Dear Frodo 2. Old Friends (Extended Version) 3. An Unex...

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey Movie Music Soundtrack:

1. My Dear Frodo
2. Old Friends (Extended Version)
3. An Unexpected Party (Extended Version)
4. Blunt the Knives – performed by The Dwarf Cast
5. Axe or Sword?
6. Misty Mountains – performed by Richard Armitage and The Dwarf Cast
7. The Adventure Begins
8. The World is Ahead
9. An Ancient Enemy
10. Radagast the Brown (Extended Version)
11. The Trollshaws
12. Roast Mutton (Extended Version)
13. A Troll-hoard
14. The Hill of Sorcery
15. Warg-scouts


1. The Hidden Valley
2. Moon Runes (Extended Version)
3. The Defiler
4. The White Council (Extended Version)
5. Over Hill
6. A Thunder Battle
7. Under Hill
8. Riddles in the Dark
9. Brass Buttons
10. Out of the Frying-Pan
11. A Good Omen
12. Song of the Lonely Mountain (Extended Version) – performed by Neil Finn
13. Dreaming of Bag End


14. A Very Respectable Hobbit
15. Erebor
16. The Dwarf Lords
17. The Edge of the Wild


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