Will You Love Me Less Because I Love You So Much?
Have you been that lover, (the lover of lovers, actually) who love his girlfriend more than his life? That you don’t care what everyone thou...
Will you love me less because I love you so much? (You realized in yourself but didn’t care to tell her about that because you knew the exact answer.) Yes, you love the way she is but could you realize that she doesn’t love you the way you love her. You can’t even afford to lose her but she didn’t even care if you’re just there. Maybe others will say that you are possessive or obsessive enough but will you take the risk of losing her? Losing that relationship you once had and will never be again yours?
If not? Do you think that you are pathetic enough to know that nothing will be change of your status right now (of being the fall out boy if she was dumped by her latest fancy boy?) You know that you are there to comfort her in the times of sorrow but think further and you will see that you were once the useful trash that will be thrown in her own human recycle bin (not that literal, this one is invisible bin.)
If yes, congratulations in advance, you will now end that emotional drought of yours. There are a lot of chances/challenges that you can take the risk of your relationship. Let me say that you already took the risk, and I tell you that if she doesn’t even care about losing the relationship that you both have, she doesn’t deserve the love you gave and you will give for that person.
And if she does care (even just a little bit), then that’s the time that she learn her lesson. Lesson that she will have until the end of time, the lesson of not taking a very special person for granted. Your faith and love are based on what you hoped for, which is kept safe for you in Heaven. Have a nice day! God Bless!